- 若依(ruoyi)
- 时间:2024-04-29 22:37
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package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.annotation; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission.DataPermissionRule; import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * 数据权限过滤注解 * * @author ruoyi */ @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Inherited @Documented public @interface DataScope { /** * 当前类或方法是否开启数据权限 * 即使不添加 @DataPermission 注解,默认是开启状态 * 可通过设置 enable 为 false 禁用 */ boolean enable() default true; /** * 生效的数据权限规则数组,为了以后方便扩展,所以定义为权限解析对象数组 */ Class<? extends DataPermissionRule>[] includeRules() default {}; }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.TableInfoHelper; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Alias; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression; import java.util.Set; /** * 数据权限规则接口 * 通过实现接口,自定义数据规则。例如说, * * @author yudao */ public interface DataPermissionRule { /** * 根据表名和别名,生成对应的 WHERE / OR 过滤条件 * * @param tableName 表名 * @param tableAlias 别名,可能为空 * @return 过滤条件 Expression 表达式 */ Expression getExpression(String tableName, Alias tableAlias); }
部门权限解析实现类,只要SQL语句中有sys_dept表或者dept_id字段,则均可以通过getExpression(String tableName, Alias tableAlias)获取部门数据权限,并生成Express表达式。
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission.dept; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.StringPool; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission.DataPermissionRule; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.*; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.InExpression; import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * 基于部门的 {@link DataPermissionRule} 数据权限规则实现 * <p> * 注意,使用 DeptDataPermissionRule 时,需要保证表中有 dept_id 部门编号的字段,可自定义。 * <p> */ @AllArgsConstructor @Slf4j public class DeptDataPermissionRule implements DataPermissionRule { static final Expression EXPRESSION_NULL = new NullValue(); /** * 基于部门的表字段配置 * 一般情况下,每个表的部门编号字段是 dept_id,通过该配置自定义。 * <p> * key:表名 * value:字段名 */ private final Map<String, String> deptColumns = new HashMap<>(); /** * 所有表名,需要进行权限过滤的表名 */ private final Set<String> TABLE_NAMES = new HashSet<>(); /** * 添加需要过滤部门权限的表名和部门ID字段名 * @param tableName * @param columnName */ public void addDeptColumn(String tableName, String columnName) { deptColumns.put(tableName, columnName); TABLE_NAMES.add(tableName); } /** * 获取所有需要按部门权限过滤的表 * @return */ @Override public Set<String> getTableNames() { return TABLE_NAMES; } @Override public Expression getExpression(String tableName, Alias tableAlias) { // 情况三,拼接 Dept 和 User 的条件,最后组合 Set<Long> deptIds = new HashSet<>(); //模拟数据,实现业务中需要获取当前用户部门权限,获取到部门id。 deptIds.add(1L); deptIds.add(2L); // 配置中包含表时,进行过滤 if (Objects.nonNull(deptColumns.get(tableName))) { return new InExpression(buildColumn(tableName, tableAlias, deptColumns.get(tableName)), new ExpressionList(deptIds.stream().map(LongValue::new).collect(Collectors.toList()))); } return EXPRESSION_NULL; // } /** * 构建 Column 对象 * * @param tableName 表名 * @param tableAlias 别名 * @param column 字段名 * @return Column 对象 */ public static Column buildColumn(String tableName, Alias tableAlias, String column) { if (tableAlias != null) { tableName = tableAlias.getName(); } return new Column(tableName + StringPool.DOT + column); } }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.interceptor; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.annotation.DataScope; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * {@link DataScope} 注解的 Context 上下文 * 将方法上的注解对象设置到 线程变量里面,在SQL执行拦截器中获取注解对象,根据内容生成相应的权限。 * 告诉SQL执行{DataPermissionDatabaseInterceptor}拦截器,如此方法需要添加权限。 */ public class DataPermissionContextHolder { /** * 使用 List 的原因,可能存在方法的嵌套调用 */ private static final ThreadLocal<LinkedList<DataScope>> DATA_PERMISSIONS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(LinkedList::new); /** * 获得当前的 DataPermission 注解 * * @return DataPermission 注解 */ public static DataScope get() { return DATA_PERMISSIONS.get().peekLast(); } /** * 入栈 DataPermission 注解 * * @param dataPermission DataPermission 注解 */ public static void add(DataScope dataPermission) { DATA_PERMISSIONS.get().addLast(dataPermission); } /** * 出栈 DataPermission 注解 * * @return DataPermission 注解 */ public static DataScope remove() { DataScope dataPermission = DATA_PERMISSIONS.get().removeLast(); // 无元素时,清空 ThreadLocal if (DATA_PERMISSIONS.get().isEmpty()) { DATA_PERMISSIONS.remove(); } return dataPermission; } /** * 获得所有 DataPermission * * @return DataPermission 队列 */ public static List<DataScope> getAll() { return DATA_PERMISSIONS.get(); } /** * 清空上下文 * <p> * 目前仅仅用于单测 */ public static void clear() { DATA_PERMISSIONS.remove(); } }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.interceptor; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.annotation.DataScope; import lombok.Getter; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.core.MethodClassKey; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * {@link DataScope} 注解的拦截器 * 1. 在执行方法前,将 @DataPermission 注解入栈 * 2. 在执行方法后,将 @DataPermission 注解出栈 * * @author yudao */ public class DataScopeAnnotationInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { /** * DataPermission 空对象,用于方法无 {@link import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.annotation.DataPermission;} 注解时,使用 DATA_PERMISSION_NULL 进行占位 */ static final DataScope DATA_PERMISSION_NULL = DataScopeAnnotationInterceptor.class.getAnnotation(DataScope.class); @Getter private final Map<MethodClassKey, DataScope> dataPermissionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Override public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataScopeAnnotationInterceptor.class); log.debug("DataScopeAnnotationInterceptor 拦截器:" + methodInvocation.getMethod().getName()); // 入栈 DataScope dataPermission = this.findAnnotation(methodInvocation); if (dataPermission != null) { DataPermissionContextHolder.add(dataPermission); } try { // 执行逻辑 return methodInvocation.proceed(); } finally { // 出栈 if (dataPermission != null) { DataPermissionContextHolder.remove(); } } } private DataScope findAnnotation(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) { // 1. 从缓存中获取 Method method = methodInvocation.getMethod(); Object targetObject = methodInvocation.getThis(); Class<?> clazz = targetObject != null ? targetObject.getClass() : method.getDeclaringClass(); MethodClassKey methodClassKey = new MethodClassKey(method, clazz); DataScope dataPermission = dataPermissionCache.get(methodClassKey); if (dataPermission != null) { return dataPermission != DATA_PERMISSION_NULL ? dataPermission : null; } // 2.1 从方法中获取 dataPermission = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, DataScope.class); // 2.2 从类上获取 if (dataPermission == null) { dataPermission = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(clazz, DataScope.class); } // 2.3 添加到缓存中 dataPermissionCache.put(methodClassKey, dataPermission != null ? dataPermission : DATA_PERMISSION_NULL); return dataPermission; } }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.interceptor; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.annotation.DataScope; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.Getter; import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice; import org.springframework.aop.Pointcut; import org.springframework.aop.support.AbstractPointcutAdvisor; import org.springframework.aop.support.ComposablePointcut; import org.springframework.aop.support.annotation.AnnotationMatchingPointcut; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Role; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * {@link DataScope} 注解的 Advisor 实现类 * */ @Getter @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) public class DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor extends AbstractPointcutAdvisor { private final Advice advice; private final Pointcut pointcut; public DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor() { this.advice = new DataScopeAnnotationInterceptor(); this.pointcut = this.buildPointcut(); } protected Pointcut buildPointcut() { Pointcut classPointcut = new AnnotationMatchingPointcut(DataScope.class, true); Pointcut methodPointcut = new AnnotationMatchingPointcut(null, DataScope.class, true); return new ComposablePointcut(classPointcut).union(methodPointcut); } }
代码比较多,主要是对sql各种情况的解析和处理,与实现业务关联性很弱。在实际业务扩展时,该类基本不需要进行修改。可能搜索对 getExpression 方法的调用,改造sql的位置。
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.CollectionUtils; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.PluginUtils; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.parser.JsqlParserSupport; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.*; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.OrExpression; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExistsExpression; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.ExpressionList; import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.InExpression; import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table; import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.delete.Delete; import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.*; import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.update.Update; import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor; import org.apache.ibatis.executor.statement.StatementHandler; import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql; import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement; import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.SqlCommandType; import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler; import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * 数据权限拦截器,通过 {@link DataPermissionRule} 数据权限规则,重写 SQL 的方式来实现 * 主要的 SQL 重写方法,可见 {@link #builderExpression(Expression, List)} 方法 * 主要是在执行SQL前拦截器,在执行之前可重写SQL * * @author yudao */ @RequiredArgsConstructor public class DataPermissionDatabaseInterceptor extends JsqlParserSupport implements InnerInterceptor { private static final String MYSQL_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = "`"; private final List<DataPermissionRule> dataPermissionRule; @Getter private final MappedStatementCache mappedStatementCache = new MappedStatementCache(); @Override // SELECT 场景 public void beforeQuery(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) { // 获得 Mapper 对应的数据权限的规则 if (mappedStatementCache.noRewritable(ms, dataPermissionRule)) { // 如果无需重写,则跳过 return; } PluginUtils.MPBoundSql mpBs = PluginUtils.mpBoundSql(boundSql); try { // 初始化上下文 ContextHolder.init(dataPermissionRule); // 处理 SQL mpBs.sql(parserSingle(mpBs.sql(), null)); } finally { // 添加是否需要重写的缓存 addMappedStatementCache(ms); // 清空上下文 ContextHolder.clear(); } } @Override // 只处理 UPDATE / DELETE 场景,不处理 INSERT 场景(因为 INSERT 不需要数据权限) public void beforePrepare(StatementHandler sh, Connection connection, Integer transactionTimeout) { PluginUtils.MPStatementHandler mpSh = PluginUtils.mpStatementHandler(sh); MappedStatement ms = mpSh.mappedStatement(); SqlCommandType sct = ms.getSqlCommandType(); if (sct == SqlCommandType.UPDATE || sct == SqlCommandType.DELETE) { // 获得 Mapper 对应的数据权限的规则 if (mappedStatementCache.noRewritable(ms, dataPermissionRule)) { // 如果无需重写,则跳过 return; } PluginUtils.MPBoundSql mpBs = mpSh.mPBoundSql(); try { // 初始化上下文 ContextHolder.init(dataPermissionRule); // 处理 SQL mpBs.sql(parserMulti(mpBs.sql(), null)); } finally { // 添加是否需要重写的缓存 addMappedStatementCache(ms); // 清空上下文 ContextHolder.clear(); } } } @Override protected void processSelect(Select select, int index, String sql, Object obj) { processSelectBody(select.getSelectBody()); List<WithItem> withItemsList = select.getWithItemsList(); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(withItemsList)) { withItemsList.forEach(this::processSelectBody); } } /** * update 语句处理 */ @Override protected void processUpdate(Update update, int index, String sql, Object obj) { final Table table = update.getTable(); update.setWhere(this.builderExpression(update.getWhere(), table)); } /** * delete 语句处理 */ @Override protected void processDelete(Delete delete, int index, String sql, Object obj) { delete.setWhere(this.builderExpression(delete.getWhere(), delete.getTable())); } // ========== 和 TenantLineInnerInterceptor 一致的逻辑 ========== protected void processSelectBody(SelectBody selectBody) { if (selectBody == null) { return; } if (selectBody instanceof PlainSelect) { processPlainSelect((PlainSelect) selectBody); } else if (selectBody instanceof WithItem) { WithItem withItem = (WithItem) selectBody; processSelectBody(withItem.getSubSelect().getSelectBody()); } else { SetOperationList operationList = (SetOperationList) selectBody; List<SelectBody> selectBodyList = operationList.getSelects(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(selectBodyList)) { selectBodyList.forEach(this::processSelectBody); } } } /** * 处理 PlainSelect */ protected void processPlainSelect(PlainSelect plainSelect) { //#3087 github List<SelectItem> selectItems = plainSelect.getSelectItems(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(selectItems)) { selectItems.forEach(this::processSelectItem); } // 处理 where 中的子查询 Expression where = plainSelect.getWhere(); processWhereSubSelect(where); // 处理 fromItem FromItem fromItem = plainSelect.getFromItem(); List<Table> list = processFromItem(fromItem); List<Table> mainTables = new ArrayList<>(list); // 处理 join List<Join> joins = plainSelect.getJoins(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(joins)) { mainTables = processJoins(mainTables, joins); } // 当有 mainTable 时,进行 where 条件追加 if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(mainTables)) { plainSelect.setWhere(builderExpression(where, mainTables)); } } private List<Table> processFromItem(FromItem fromItem) { // 处理括号括起来的表达式 while (fromItem instanceof ParenthesisFromItem) { fromItem = ((ParenthesisFromItem) fromItem).getFromItem(); } List<Table> mainTables = new ArrayList<>(); // 无 join 时的处理逻辑 if (fromItem instanceof Table) { Table fromTable = (Table) fromItem; mainTables.add(fromTable); } else if (fromItem instanceof SubJoin) { // SubJoin 类型则还需要添加上 where 条件 List<Table> tables = processSubJoin((SubJoin) fromItem); mainTables.addAll(tables); } else { // 处理下 fromItem processOtherFromItem(fromItem); } return mainTables; } /** * 处理where条件内的子查询 * <p> * 支持如下: * 1. in * 2. = * 3. > * 4. < * 5. >= * 6. <= * 7. <> * 8. EXISTS * 9. NOT EXISTS * <p> * 前提条件: * 1. 子查询必须放在小括号中 * 2. 子查询一般放在比较操作符的右边 * * @param where where 条件 */ protected void processWhereSubSelect(Expression where) { if (where == null) { return; } if (where instanceof FromItem) { processOtherFromItem((FromItem) where); return; } if (where.toString().indexOf("SELECT") > 0) { // 有子查询 if (where instanceof BinaryExpression) { // 比较符号 , and , or , 等等 BinaryExpression expression = (BinaryExpression) where; processWhereSubSelect(expression.getLeftExpression()); processWhereSubSelect(expression.getRightExpression()); } else if (where instanceof InExpression) { // in InExpression expression = (InExpression) where; Expression inExpression = expression.getRightExpression(); if (inExpression instanceof SubSelect) { processSelectBody(((SubSelect) inExpression).getSelectBody()); } } else if (where instanceof ExistsExpression) { // exists ExistsExpression expression = (ExistsExpression) where; processWhereSubSelect(expression.getRightExpression()); } else if (where instanceof NotExpression) { // not exists NotExpression expression = (NotExpression) where; processWhereSubSelect(expression.getExpression()); } else if (where instanceof Parenthesis) { Parenthesis expression = (Parenthesis) where; processWhereSubSelect(expression.getExpression()); } } } protected void processSelectItem(SelectItem selectItem) { if (selectItem instanceof SelectExpressionItem) { SelectExpressionItem selectExpressionItem = (SelectExpressionItem) selectItem; if (selectExpressionItem.getExpression() instanceof SubSelect) { processSelectBody(((SubSelect) selectExpressionItem.getExpression()).getSelectBody()); } else if (selectExpressionItem.getExpression() instanceof Function) { processFunction((Function) selectExpressionItem.getExpression()); } } } /** * 处理函数 * <p>支持: 1. select fun(args..) 2. select fun1(fun2(args..),args..)<p> * <p> fixed gitee pulls/141</p> * * @param function */ protected void processFunction(Function function) { ExpressionList parameters = function.getParameters(); if (parameters != null) { parameters.getExpressions().forEach(expression -> { if (expression instanceof SubSelect) { processSelectBody(((SubSelect) expression).getSelectBody()); } else if (expression instanceof Function) { processFunction((Function) expression); } }); } } /** * 处理子查询等 */ protected void processOtherFromItem(FromItem fromItem) { // 去除括号 while (fromItem instanceof ParenthesisFromItem) { fromItem = ((ParenthesisFromItem) fromItem).getFromItem(); } if (fromItem instanceof SubSelect) { SubSelect subSelect = (SubSelect) fromItem; if (subSelect.getSelectBody() != null) { processSelectBody(subSelect.getSelectBody()); } } else if (fromItem instanceof ValuesList) { logger.debug("Perform a subQuery, if you do not give us feedback"); } else if (fromItem instanceof LateralSubSelect) { LateralSubSelect lateralSubSelect = (LateralSubSelect) fromItem; if (lateralSubSelect.getSubSelect() != null) { SubSelect subSelect = lateralSubSelect.getSubSelect(); if (subSelect.getSelectBody() != null) { processSelectBody(subSelect.getSelectBody()); } } } } /** * 处理 sub join * * @param subJoin subJoin * @return Table subJoin 中的主表 */ private List<Table> processSubJoin(SubJoin subJoin) { List<Table> mainTables = new ArrayList<>(); if (subJoin.getJoinList() != null) { List<Table> list = processFromItem(subJoin.getLeft()); mainTables.addAll(list); mainTables = processJoins(mainTables, subJoin.getJoinList()); } return mainTables; } /** * 处理 joins * * @param mainTables 可以为 null * @param joins join 集合 * @return List<Table> 右连接查询的 Table 列表 */ private List<Table> processJoins(List<Table> mainTables, List<Join> joins) { // join 表达式中最终的主表 Table mainTable = null; // 当前 join 的左表 Table leftTable = null; if (mainTables == null) { mainTables = new ArrayList<>(); } else if (mainTables.size() == 1) { mainTable = mainTables.get(0); leftTable = mainTable; } //对于 on 表达式写在最后的 join,需要记录下前面多个 on 的表名 Deque<List<Table>> onTableDeque = new LinkedList<>(); for (Join join : joins) { // 处理 on 表达式 FromItem joinItem = join.getRightItem(); // 获取当前 join 的表,subJoint 可以看作是一张表 List<Table> joinTables = null; if (joinItem instanceof Table) { joinTables = new ArrayList<>(); joinTables.add((Table) joinItem); } else if (joinItem instanceof SubJoin) { joinTables = processSubJoin((SubJoin) joinItem); } if (joinTables != null) { // 如果是隐式内连接 if (join.isSimple()) { mainTables.addAll(joinTables); continue; } // 当前表是否忽略 Table joinTable = joinTables.get(0); List<Table> onTables = null; // 如果不要忽略,且是右连接,则记录下当前表 if (join.isRight()) { mainTable = joinTable; if (leftTable != null) { onTables = Collections.singletonList(leftTable); } } else if (join.isLeft()) { onTables = Collections.singletonList(joinTable); } else if (join.isInner()) { if (mainTable == null) { onTables = Collections.singletonList(joinTable); } else { onTables = Arrays.asList(mainTable, joinTable); } mainTable = null; } mainTables = new ArrayList<>(); if (mainTable != null) { mainTables.add(mainTable); } // 获取 join 尾缀的 on 表达式列表 Collection<Expression> originOnExpressions = join.getOnExpressions(); // 正常 join on 表达式只有一个,立刻处理 if (originOnExpressions.size() == 1 && onTables != null) { List<Expression> onExpressions = new LinkedList<>(); onExpressions.add(builderExpression(originOnExpressions.iterator().next(), onTables)); join.setOnExpressions(onExpressions); leftTable = joinTable; continue; } // 表名压栈,忽略的表压入 null,以便后续不处理 onTableDeque.push(onTables); // 尾缀多个 on 表达式的时候统一处理 if (originOnExpressions.size() > 1) { Collection<Expression> onExpressions = new LinkedList<>(); for (Expression originOnExpression : originOnExpressions) { List<Table> currentTableList = onTableDeque.poll(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(currentTableList)) { onExpressions.add(originOnExpression); } else { onExpressions.add(builderExpression(originOnExpression, currentTableList)); } } join.setOnExpressions(onExpressions); } leftTable = joinTable; } else { processOtherFromItem(joinItem); leftTable = null; } } return mainTables; } // ========== 和 TenantLineInnerInterceptor 存在差异的逻辑:关键,实现权限条件的拼接 ========== /** * 处理条件 * * @param currentExpression 当前 where 条件 * @param table 单个表 */ protected Expression builderExpression(Expression currentExpression, Table table) { return this.builderExpression(currentExpression, Collections.singletonList(table)); } /** * 处理条件 * * @param currentExpression 当前 where 条件 * @param tables 多个表 */ protected Expression builderExpression(Expression currentExpression, List<Table> tables) { // 没有表需要处理直接返回 if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(tables)) { return currentExpression; } // 第一步,获得 Table 对应的数据权限条件 Expression dataPermissionExpression = null; for (Table table : tables) { // 构建每个表的权限 Expression 条件 Expression expression = buildDataPermissionExpression(table); if (expression == null) { continue; } // 合并到 dataPermissionExpression 中 dataPermissionExpression = dataPermissionExpression == null ? expression : new AndExpression(dataPermissionExpression, expression); } // 第二步,合并多个 Expression 条件 if (dataPermissionExpression == null) { return currentExpression; } if (currentExpression == null) { return dataPermissionExpression; } // ① 如果表达式为 Or,则需要 (currentExpression) AND dataPermissionExpression if (currentExpression instanceof OrExpression) { return new AndExpression(new Parenthesis(currentExpression), dataPermissionExpression); } // ② 如果表达式为 And,则直接返回 where AND dataPermissionExpression return new AndExpression(currentExpression, dataPermissionExpression); } /** * 构建指定表的数据权限的 Expression 过滤条件 * * @param table 表 * @return Expression 过滤条件 */ private Expression buildDataPermissionExpression(Table table) { // 生成条件 Expression allExpression = null; for (DataPermissionRule rule : ContextHolder.getRules()) { // 如果有匹配的规则,说明可重写。 // 为什么不是有 allExpression 非空才重写呢?在生成 column = value 过滤条件时,会因为 value 不存在,导致未重写。 // 这样导致第一次无 value,被标记成无需重写;但是第二次有 value,此时会需要重写。 ContextHolder.setRewrite(true); // 单条规则的条件 String tableName = getTableName(table); Expression oneExpress = rule.getExpression(tableName, table.getAlias()); if (oneExpress == null) { continue; } // 拼接到 allExpression 中 allExpression = allExpression == null ? oneExpress : new AndExpression(allExpression, oneExpress); } return allExpression; } /** * 判断 SQL 是否重写。如果没有重写,则添加到 {@link MappedStatementCache} 中 * * @param ms MappedStatement */ private void addMappedStatementCache(MappedStatement ms) { if (ContextHolder.getRewrite()) { return; } // 无重写,进行添加 mappedStatementCache.addNoRewritable(ms, ContextHolder.getRules()); } /** * SQL 解析上下文,方便透传 {@link DataPermissionRule} 规则 * * @author yudao */ static final class ContextHolder { /** * 该 {@link MappedStatement} 对应的规则 */ private static final ThreadLocal<List<DataPermissionRule>> RULES = ThreadLocal.withInitial(Collections::emptyList); /** * SQL 是否进行重写 */ private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> REWRITE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> Boolean.FALSE); public static void init(List<DataPermissionRule> rules) { RULES.set(rules); REWRITE.set(false); } public static void clear() { RULES.remove(); REWRITE.remove(); } public static boolean getRewrite() { return REWRITE.get(); } public static void setRewrite(boolean rewrite) { REWRITE.set(rewrite); } public static List<DataPermissionRule> getRules() { return RULES.get(); } } /** * {@link MappedStatement} 缓存 * 目前主要用于,记录 {@link DataPermissionRule} 是否对指定 {@link MappedStatement} 无效 * 如果无效,则可以避免 SQL 的解析,加快速度 * * @author yudao */ static final class MappedStatementCache { /** * 指定数据权限规则,对指定 MappedStatement 无需重写(不生效)的缓存 * <p> * value:{@link MappedStatement#getId()} 编号 */ @Getter private final Map<Class<? extends DataPermissionRule>, Set<String>> noRewritableMappedStatements = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * 判断是否无需重写 * ps:虽然有点中文式英语,但是容易读懂即可 * * @param ms MappedStatement * @param rules 数据权限规则数组 * @return 是否无需重写 */ public boolean noRewritable(MappedStatement ms, List<DataPermissionRule> rules) { // 如果规则为空,说明无需重写 if (org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rules)) { return true; } // 任一规则不在 noRewritableMap 中,则说明可能需要重写 for (DataPermissionRule rule : rules) { Set<String> mappedStatementIds = noRewritableMappedStatements.get(rule.getClass()); if (mappedStatementIds != null && !mappedStatementIds.stream().anyMatch(item -> item.equals(ms.getId()))) { return false; } return false; } return true; } /** * 添加无需重写的 MappedStatement * * @param ms MappedStatement * @param rules 数据权限规则数组 */ public void addNoRewritable(MappedStatement ms, List<DataPermissionRule> rules) { for (DataPermissionRule rule : rules) { Set<String> mappedStatementIds = noRewritableMappedStatements.get(rule.getClass()); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(mappedStatementIds)) { mappedStatementIds.add(ms.getId()); } else { noRewritableMappedStatements.put(rule.getClass(), Arrays.stream(new String[]{ms.getId()}).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } } } /** * 清空缓存 * 目前主要提供给单元测试 */ public void clear() { noRewritableMappedStatements.clear(); } } /** * 获得 Table 对应的表名 * <p> * 兼容 MySQL 转义表名 `t_xxx` * * @param table 表 * @return 去除转移字符后的表名 */ public static String getTableName(Table table) { String tableName = table.getName(); if (tableName.startsWith(MYSQL_ESCAPE_CHARACTER) && tableName.endsWith(MYSQL_ESCAPE_CHARACTER)) { tableName = tableName.substring(1, tableName.length() - 1); } return tableName; } }
MybatisPlusInterceptor ,Sql拦截器;
DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor ,DataScope拦截器;
DeptDataPermissionRule ,部门权限解析对象,同时注册需要添加部门权限的表名和部门ID字段名,有新增表时需要在这里设置。
关于springboot 拦截器之Advisor不生效问题 可参考该文章:https://blog.csdn.net/ldz_wolf/article/details/134993502
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.config; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.MybatisPlusInterceptor; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.PaginationInnerInterceptor; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission.*; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.datapermission.dept.DeptDataPermissionRule; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.interceptor.DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Role; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * 数据权限的自动配置类 * * @author yudao */ @Configuration public class DataPermissionConfiguration { @Bean public MybatisPlusInterceptor mybatisPlusInterceptor(List<DataPermissionRule> dataPermissionRule) { MybatisPlusInterceptor mybatisPlusInterceptor = new MybatisPlusInterceptor(); // 分页插件 // mybatisPlusInterceptor.addInnerInterceptor(new PaginationInnerInterceptor()); //添加权限拦截器。 DataPermissionDatabaseInterceptor inner = new DataPermissionDatabaseInterceptor(dataPermissionRule); List<InnerInterceptor> inners = new ArrayList<>(mybatisPlusInterceptor.getInterceptors()); inners.add(0, inner); mybatisPlusInterceptor.setInterceptors(inners); // MybatisDatabaseInterceptor mybatisDatabaseInterceptor = new MybatisDatabaseInterceptor(); // List<InnerInterceptor> inners = new ArrayList<>(mybatisPlusInterceptor.getInterceptors()); // inners.add(0, mybatisDatabaseInterceptor); // mybatisPlusInterceptor.setInterceptors(inners); return mybatisPlusInterceptor; } /** * 初始化部门权限 bean 。 * * @return */ @Bean public DeptDataPermissionRule deptDataPermissionRule() { // 创建 DeptDataPermissionRule 对象 DeptDataPermissionRule rule = new DeptDataPermissionRule(); // 用户表 需要作权限过滤,用户表中部门字段为dept_id。 rule.addDeptColumn("users","dept_id"); // 请假流程表,也需要按部门权限过滤;但wf_leave表中部门字段为:deptid,则应按如下配置 rule.addDeptColumn("wf_leave","deptid"); return rule; } /** * 权限注解拦截器。 * * @return */ @Bean @Role(2) public DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor dataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor() { return new DataPermissionAnnotationAdvisor(); } }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.service; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.annotation.DataScope; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.dataobject.UserDO; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.mapper.UserMapper; import org.springframework.aop.framework.AopContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.List; /** * @author * @version 1.0.0 * @description * @createTime 2023/07/21 */ @Service public class UserService { @Autowired private UserMapper userMapper; private UserService self() { return (UserService) AopContext.currentProxy(); } @DataScope public List<UserDO> selectList() { return userMapper.selectList(); } }
package com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.mapper; import com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.dataobject.UserDO; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; import java.util.List; @Mapper public interface UserMapper { UserDO selectById(@Param("id") Integer id); List<UserDO> selectList(); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.luo.chengrui.labs.lab02.mapper.UserMapper"> <sql id="FIELDS"> id , username </sql> <select id="selectById" parameterType="Integer" resultType="UserDO"> SELECT <include refid="FIELDS"/> FROM users WHERE id = #{id} </select> <select id="selectList" resultType="UserDo"> SELECT <include refid="FIELDS"/> FROM users </select> </mapper>
@Bean public DeptDataPermissionRule deptDataPermissionRule() { // 创建 DeptDataPermissionRule 对象 DeptDataPermissionRule rule = new DeptDataPermissionRule(); // 用户表 需要作权限过滤,用户表中部门字段为dept_id。 rule.addDeptColumn("users","dept_id"); // 请假流程表,也需要按部门权限过滤;但wf_leave表中部门字段为:deptid,则应按如下配置 return rule; }
@Bean public DeptDataPermissionRule deptDataPermissionRule() { // 创建 DeptDataPermissionRule 对象 DeptDataPermissionRule rule = new DeptDataPermissionRule(); // 用户表 需要作权限过滤,用户表中部门字段为dept_id。 //rule.addDeptColumn("users","dept_id"); // 请假流程表,也需要按部门权限过滤;但wf_leave表中部门字段为:deptid,则应按如下配置 rule.addDeptColumn("wf_leavel","deptid"); return rule; }